Learning through play

About the Pre-School

The Pre-School started in the 1970s when the community of Potten End realised the importance of having somewhere safe and welcoming for young children to play. We are fortunate to have our own building which was purpose built with grants and support from the Pre-School parents and local community. The Pre-School takes a large range of children from the ages of 2 years to rising 5 and although the children spend much of their time together, the older children belong to the Upper Pre-School and wear a different uniform. They have a member of staff dedicated to their education, We have a separate room where the UPS can experience a slightly different environment spend some time in focused activities in a small group and focus on their ‘school ready skills’ such as getting dressed’ following instructions and listening!

Potten End Pre-School Association is a registered charity now operated as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. It is run by a voluntary Management Committee made up of parents and members of the local community. Find out more about the Committee here.

Due to changing the charitable vehicle used to run the Pre-School to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) on 1st August 2016, we have been given a new Ofsted Unique Reference Number (URN) which is EY500714.

You can read our latest October 2018 Ofsted Report.